

Four generations of a family must rebuild their legacy after America's last recession.

In this excerpt, Salome, 19, reflects on a conversation with her great-grandmother and family matriarch, Nannie.

fly baby

In August of 1978, Debbie and Michael Africa, Sr., were sent to prison after an altercation with police in West Philadelphia. Five weeks later their son Michael Africa, Jr. was born in his mother's jail cell. In 2018, Mike Jr. went back to the prison and took his mom home.

Directed by Maori Karmael Holmes and Rashid Zakat, this music video features Mike Africa, Jr.’s lyrical tribute to his mother alongside cinematic portraiture reflecting the solidarity between mothers and sons. I was cinematographer and editor on this project.

Race & Space: Why are there so few black astronomers?

Between 1955-2012 only 40 blacks received a doctorate in astronomy making only 1% of the world’s astronomers Black.

Why are there so few Black astronomers?


A music video for Grammy Award winning artist, India Arie from her album, WORTHY.

Director: Maori Karmael Holmes | Directors of Photography: Lendl Tellington & Rashid Zakat | Lead Talent: Lyriq Bent |Production Company: Karmalux | Assistant Director: Patrice Worthy | Production Designer: Diana Rice | Stylist: Sami Martin Sarmiento & Dapper Afrika | Makeup: Daryon Haylock | Editor: Aidan Un

 Science Stories: Helen Rhoda Quinn

Her groundbreaking work picked up where Einstein left off, tackling the holy grail of theoretical physics: the Theory of Everything.

Theoretical physicist Helen Rhoda Quinn shares how she made her way as one of only 2% of women in her field.

GLOU GLOU Magazine

From Los Angeles to New York, Italy to Mexico and back.

Glou Glou magazine is a word-of-mouth guide to wine I produce alongside wine importer and distributor, Jenn Green.

The idea is to make a wine publication as approachable and playful as a children’s book… That’s for adults, of course.

Show Me What You Want Me To See

Silken secrets unravel in this collaborative film that explores all the peculiar stages of love– from its dawning and dimming to its inevitable darkness. SHOW ME WHAT YOU WANT ME TO SEE is a multidisplainary collaboration between Silk graffiti artist Aubrie Costello, dancers Leslie Davidson, Jessica Noel and Fatima Adamu, filmmaker Lendl Tellington and music producer Josh Hey.

***This is an excerpt of an 11min film.


A collection of documentary photography capturing the students, parents, teachers and spaces of Philadelphia's underfunded School district, by Lendl Tellington, Sarah Milinski, Sahar Coston-Hardy, and Marco Hill. 

Originally exhibited at Gravy Studio and Gallery, this project later included in reForm, an art installation by Macarthur genius, Pepon Osorio and the youth of Fairhill Elementary.